31 Writing Journal Prompts to Inspire an Awesome Life Pivot

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Do you want to change the direction of your life? Perhaps you need a career change, or are having a “mid-life crisis.”

Maybe you need  a career pivot, a health pivot or maybe even a happiness pivot (finding what makes you happy).

Do you have a Plan A?

It can be easy to describe what we don’t like, but it can be difficult to know what we do like.

When you are so caught up in just getting by and making it through the day (at a job you hate?) it can be hard determine what we do want.

I don’t know about you but I’ve always been a little jealous of those people that have known what they wanted to be/do since they were 10 years old!

In a great speech Arnold Schwarzenegger said that you should just concentrate on achieving Plan A, and not even have a Plan B.

He said Plan B distracts you from Plan A.  But what if you don’t know what your Plan A is!!

Maybe the journal prompts below will help you. Perhaps these journal prompts will help you realize what direction you need to go in: what your Plan A should be.

Note: I am not a counselor or career advisor, but hopefully these may help you.

Here are some writing prompts for your journal.

Don’t edit yourself, just let it flow and see where it goes.

31 Writing Journal Prompts to Inspire an Awesome Life Pivot!

  1. When I was a kid I loved ____
  2. When I was a kid I loved to _____
  3. If I could fill a bucket with anything it would be _____ and here is why ___
  4. Best concert I ever attended was ___ because _____
  5. The best summer I ever had was
  6. The scariest experience in my life was
  7. The biggest flop of my life was when
  8. If they named an ice cream flavour after me if would be called ____
  9. I always wished I could ____
  10. If I could make anything it would be
  11. The one thing that a million men or more couldn’t hold me from____
  12. If you could change one thing about your school career it would be
  13. If you were writing your own job performance review what would you say?
  14. If aliens were watching you, what would they say about how you’re living your life?
  15. When you’re on your death bed what do you want to tell people you are most proud of?
  16. What is the kindest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
  17. How did prompt #16 make you feel?
  18. What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?
  19. What is the one activity you always wanted to try but haven’t?
  20. If money wasn’t a concern where would you travel to, and why?
  21. If you could time travel to see your 16 year old self, what would you tell yourself?
  22. If you were in front of a Grade 1 class what is the most exciting true story about your life you could tell them?
  23. Fast forward 5 years…how will your health be?
  24. If you could change one thing about your daily routine what would it be?
  25. If you had to add one healthy activity or thing into your daily routine what would it be?  And why?  (And why haven’t you?)
  26. Write down the 5 most common BS excuses you tell yourself for not improving your health
  27. Write down the 5 most common BS excuses you tell yourself for not improving your relationships?
  28. What is your one biggest personality trait that spoils or prevents you from having good relationships? How can you change?
  29. What is your most common excuse for staying in a job you are unhappy with?
  30. What is your largest unnecessary drain on your income?
  31. If a famous creative person said they’d give you $1 million to create your own passion project what would it be? (Then ask yourself can you do it for less? If so, what is stopping you?)
  32. What problems do people always come to you for advice on?  (Bonus prompt)

Thank you,


And by the way, Stephen King said in order to get good at writing you need to read more and you need to write more.

31 Writing Journal Prompts to Inspire an Awesome Life Pivot