7 Inspiring DIY Patio Table Ideas to liven up your patio

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In this article you’ll find some inspiration for a DIY patio table you can be proud of. You could just buy a plain white plastic patio table. But that isn’t your style, is it. In this article we look at 7 inspiring DIY patio table ideas that’ll get compliments from your family and friends.

7 Inspiring DIY patio table ideas and patio table remodels
DIY Patio Table Ideas

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Mosaic Tile Table

Here is a bright and cheery mosaic tile patio table built by the handy folks at Centastional.com

I haven’t tackled a tiling project yet, let along a tile patio table, but this one looks really great.

Click here to see how she made this very cool table.

DIY Patio Table Ideas - mosaic tile table from Centsational
Photo credit: Centasational.com

DIY Glass Table Makeover

These old glass tables are everywhere…there are usually at least two of them for sale (or free) on Facebook Marketplace every day.

If you think they’re ugly and tacky, just check out this awesome project by Deb at Seeking Lavender Lane.

She did a truly awesome job of ‘making over’ her old patio set. If you have an old patio set like she did I encourage you to check out her website to see how she did this transformation.

Photo credit: Seeking Lavender Lane.com

Beautiful Stained Wood Outdoor Coffee Table

Sarah from “Thrifty Decor Chick” took her outdoor ottomans and put them together and topped them with a stunning, stained wood top to make an outdoor coffee table.

The results are pretty awesome. If you want to see how she did it, click here to check out her website.

Photo credit: Thrifty Decor Chick

My Wooden Patio Table Makeover

My DIY patio table Makeover before and after picture
My DIY Patio Table DIY makeover – before and after

This is my wooden patio table that I’ve refinished.

My dad made this table about 15-20 years ago and I neglected it: I didn’t paint it or stain it since he made it! (Not the best way to take care of a “family heirloom.”)

To say it was “weathered” was an understatement.

In fact, the “Before” picture is actually after it had been sanded many, many times.

I decided to stain it using “Special Walnut” stain from “MinWax.” (available at your local retailer or on Amazon).

I used an old paint brush to “paint” it on and then wiped it off 10 minutes later. It went on a lot darker than I’m used to because I usually rub the stain on using a cloth – not a paint brush.

Then I painted the legs and support a nice bright white color using an exterior latex paint. Because there were so many cracks, gaps and chips in the old wood it required three coats of paint. (Pretty heavy coats too.)

My next step – which I still need to do – is protect the stained table top with an exterior varnish such as Helmsman Spar Urethane. Once I get that on there it should help provide better protection for the stained wooden surface.

Bright and Funky Round Patio Table Makeover

I love this cool patio table makeover by Chelsea at LovelyIndeed.com

It was a rundown tile-topped table that she painted and gave some cool stripes. Such a cheerful look!

If you want to check out how she did it, click here.

DIY patio table ideas
Photo credit: LovelyIndeed.com

DIY Firepit Table-top

Kelly at LilyPadCottage.com did a clever thing. She built a wooden tabletop for her firepit. During daylight hours most people don’t have their fire blazing, so to make use of that space, Kelly built this tabletop.

Click here to check out her article on this DIY creation.

DIY patio table ideas -- firepit table top
Photo credit: LilyPadCottage.com

Patio Table Doubles as a Sandbox

I love double-duty furniture.

And this clever project from handmade-have.com serves two unique purposes. It is a beautiful wooden patio coffee table where the top can be removed to exposed a fun sandbox for the kids.

Click here to see more pictures of this special patio table.

DIY patio table ideas - this patio table doubles as a sandbox
Photo credit: handmade-haven.com

So whether you want to build your own patio table – or makeover an old patio table – there are lots of inspiring ideas out there. I hope you’ve enjoyed these 7 ideas including my own DIY patio table makeover.

If you want to see some other Patio Ideas check out this article on 15 ways to make your patio cozy and comfortable.

And if your yard feels more like a fishbowl than a backyard retreat, check out this article on 19 Privacy Fence ideas to keep out snooping neighbors.

Thank you and enjoy the patio season.

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