17 clever Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas [maximize space]

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How long have you been saying “I need a bigger kitchen”? Did you get your new kitchen? No? Well, then its time to make the most out of the space you DO have. So here are some clever kitchen cabinet organization ideas to maximize your kitchen storage space.

Kitchen Cabinet Organizers and Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas
Kitchen Cabinet Organizers and Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas

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How to Organize Kitchen Cabinets – 17 Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas

1) Reduce the Number of Dishes you have

Ask yourself if you really need all the dishes currently in your cupboard. You probably do your dishes every night anyway.

Try putting extra dishes in a tote and them get them out of the kitchen. If you don’t use them within a month, its safe to say they don’t need to be in your cabinet all the time.

This will free up space and help declutter your kitchen cabinets.

2) Put Away Unnecessary Wine Glasses

Do you drink wine? If not, why do you have wine glasses? And if you drink wine you probably just refill the same glass. So why do you have to have 8 wine glasses on display?

Put them away until you have friends come over.

3) Coffee Mug Overload

Kitchen Cabinet Organization – get rid of extra coffee mugs

If you’re anything like me you have your favorite coffee mug. I have about 3 that I rotate through, yet there are still about 13 coffee mugs in my cabinet.

Its stupid really. I need to go through them and donate the losers.

If your coffee mug collection looks like the picture above then maybe you’ve got to purge too.

Getting rid of extra coffee mugs is a quick way to free up some cabinet space.

4) Hang hooks on the underside of the cabinet shelf.

Simple Kitchen Cabinet Organization Idea - use hooks to hang coffee mugs.

This is a super low tech option. You can get hooks that screw into the underside of the cabinet shelf and then hang the coffee mugs you did keep on the hooks.

You can use plastic-coated hooks like the ones shown above to prevent scratching ceramic coffee mugs.

Using hooks like this allows you to make the most out of vertical space and free up some shelf space.

Are you a tea drinker? If so, check out these super helpful Tea Bag Storage Ideas.

5) Lids and Pans Adjustable Rack

Kitchen Cabinet Organization iDeas - use a pan and lid rack
Lid and Pan Vertical Organizer

There are a lot of vertical organizers out there. This particular rack has 3 compartments and comes as a 2-pack. So you could use one to organize casserole dishes and one to organize pans, or whatever else you need.

Here is another pan rack, and it looks pretty awesome but it can be used horizontally or vertically! Here is the rack with the pans sitting horizontally.

Kitchen cabinet organizer
pan rack
Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas – Pan Rack

Below is the same rack but being used laying flat so the pans are stored vertically.

Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas - a pan rack laid horizontally so the pans and lids can be stored on their side

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6) Expandable Shelf Organizer

Kitchen Cabinet Organization ieas - sliding mesh cabinet organizer
Expandable shelf

Wire mesh shelves like this one can provide some extra surfaces to stack your dishes on. You could put your plates on the bottom and your bowls on top.

This particular rack expands from 13.75″ at the minimum up to 26″ wide.

7) Kitchen Cabinet Organizer Corner Shelf

Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas - corner shelf for plates
Corner plate-stacking shelf

This elegant looking corner shelf can provide some much needed vertical space to help organize plates, saucers and bowls.

Would this work in your cabinets?

8) Kitchen Food Wrap Organizer Shelf

Kitchen Cabinet organizers
Kitchen Food Wrap Organizer

I didn’t know these things existed until I started researching this post on Amazon. This wouldn’t really work for our kitchen because we have a drawer for the kitchen wrap: it’s not inside our cabinet.

But if you have your kitchen wrap haphazardly scattered in the bottom of a cabinet then you should check this out.

9) Water Bottle Holders

Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas - a water bottle holder
Stackable Water bottle holders

What a smart idea. This is much better than the small plastic bucket I have overflowing with water bottles! Once again, I didn’t even know a water bottle holder existed. It’ll help keep water bottles in once place, and you can stack them up on top of each other to maximize space.

Want more water bottle storage ideas? We’ve got an article for that!

water bottle storage ideas

10) Baskets to store soft-sided items

We use a variety of plastic baskets from the dollar store to stash our baking essentials, such as small bags of specialty flour and arrowroot powder. These items are in soft-sided plastic baggies or paper bags so the basket provides a great place to just toss it all in.

We got our baskets from the dollar store, and we bought them at different times so they don’t match at all!

The basket set shown below is available for order from Amazon. It is a 6 basket set. So you’d be nice and coordinated. Plus, you can stack them on top of each other (if you have room in your cabinet to do so).

And if you don’t think you need all 6 baskets in your kitchen cabinets then you could use them in your chest freezer.

Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas - tidy plastic baskets

11) Lazy Susans

These things have a bad name. They work really hard to allow us to reach things at the back of cabinets. And they’re particularly great for corner cabinets.

Turntable Style Lazy Susan

A lazy susan like this one is described as a turntable style. So basically it just sits flat on your existing cabinet shelf and spins around like record on a turntable.

Turntable Lazy Susan

Kidney Shaped Lazy Susans

The kidney shaped are ones that need to be installed in corner cabinets.

An example of a kidney shaped lazy susan is shown below. These are used in place of built-in cabinet shelves.

They do require some basic installation.

Depending on the model you purchase you just need to screw the base support to the bottom of your kitchen cabinet, and the top support to the underside of the kitchen counter (make sure you choose appropriate length screws…you don’t want to punch up through your laminate countertop).

Plus, it is important you measure you cabinets correctly prior to purchasing. To see an article on how to do that, click here.

You can also get other wire rack versions of the lazy susan.

Kitchen Cabinet Organizers - lazy susans wire rack
Wire rack lazy susan

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12) Magazine Holders to Store Cutting Boards

Kitchen cabinet organizer  - magazine holder used to store cutting boards
Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas – use magazine holders to store cutting boards

You can grab some magazine holders at Ikea (or even your local dollar store), and then use them to store those pesky cutting boards and cooling racks.

13) Bins for Above Fridge Cabinets

Kitchen Cabinet organizer - storage totes for above fridge
Plastic storage bins with lids

The cabinets above the fridge can be a real pain to access anything (unless you’re 7-ft tall). You can use this space to store seldom used items, such as birthday supplies, ice pop molds, special table clothes, etc…

But instead of just throwing these items up there all willy-nilly, you can store them in a plastic bin or tote. That way its a lot easier to pull down the whole bin instead of trying to grab just one item among the mess.

14) Racks on inside of cupboard doors

Over the cupboard door rack

There are also lots of option for door-mounted racks.

The one shown above is cool because it provides some mounting options. You can just use the “over the door” hooks, or you can actually screw it to the inside of the cabinet door. Here it is shown using the hooks.

15) Slide Out Shelves (by Rev-a-Shelf)

Kitchen Cabinet Organizatino Ideas - Slide out shelves from Rev-A-Shelf
Photo credit: Rev A Shelf

It sucks getting down on your knees, and stretching forward to try and get something from the back of a bottom cabinet. Slide out cabinet organizers eliminate that hassle. If you want to see Amazon’s huge collection of slide out cabinet organizers you can click here.

The one shown here is a product by Rev-a-Shelf. It’s for cabinets that are 21″ wide, and have an opening of 17. 5 inches. You can buy it in different sizes though.

The same company Rev-a-Shelf makes another version of the slide-out drawer, but this one is designed for cookware such as pans and their lids. (You know those really cumbersome cookware items that always seem to make a mess in the cabinet.

Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas  - slide out shelves for lids and pans
Photo credit: Rev A Shelf

Both of these slide out drawers will require installation.

If you’re worried about how hard the installation will be, you can click here to be taken to the installation video on Amazon. You can watch it to see if it is something you can manage on your own, or if you have to hire an installer.

It requires you to screw into the side of your kitchen cabinet, the back of the kitchen cabinet and the floor of the cabinet.

16) Single Slide-out Shelf – a convenient Kitchen Cabinet Organizer

Slide out shingle shelf

Here is another slide-out organizer, but this one is just a single shelf. The manufacturer claims it is easy to install.

This could be very handy underneath the kitchen sink for a recycle bin, compost bin, or for cleaning supplies.

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17) Nesting Bowls (a good kitchen cabinet organization idea)

Nesting bowls are a great way to cut down on kitchen cabinet sprawl.

Kitchen Cabinet Organizer
Nesting bowl set

Do you already have a nice set of nesting bowls? If not, check these out on Amazon.

I hope you have found some inspiration from these kitchen cabinet organizers, and kitchen cabinet organization ideas.

Will one of these ideas work for you?

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Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas and clever kitchen organizers
17 Clever Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas

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